About Us
Some Of Our Services


Trailer Repairs


Trailer Parts

About AJF Trailers
It all began in early ninety’s Chris & Pat Freddi had there first born son AJ on June 5th 1992 followed a year later by there daughter Christa. Chris & Pat separated and as time went on Chris met & married a Beautiful Lady from Durango, Mexico Angelina. Angie could not have children naturally but AJ & Christa were definitely her Children. Chris & Angie shared a beautiful personal & business life together for 17 years until November 2009 when cancer took her life.
Aristide John Freddi known as AJ was just starting a successful career, played the drums & guitar, loved to travel, fish, play golf & shoot trap. He was looking for the “Right One” to settle down & have children of his own with and working towards that goal had just purchased & had his first home built when tragedy struck on May 16th 2021 AJ was a Pedestrian in a Hit & Run & was killed.
Both Angie & AJ were were hard working, motivated, God, Goal, Family, Business, Customer Service oriented individuals with deep rooted core values.
In May of 2022 AJF Trailers was formed in Honor, Memory & Tribute to AJ & Angie.
At AJF we want to Earn Your Business & will do whatever we possibly can to achieve that goal.
In keeping with the philosophy’s & core values of AJ & Angie we make Customer Service a Priority, are Truly Thankful, Grateful & Value Your Business & Referrals. We know & understand we would not be here unless it was for You our valued customer.
To us it’s so much more then a trailer sale, it’s customer service before, during & after the sale & developing that personal relationship with You our customer.
Chris Freddi is now the Boots on The Ground point person for the company & Pat Freddi has joined in the family business as an equity partner.
The Horseshoe Logo with AJF in the center faces upward to those We honor, Cherish & Love. The ones who are truly running the business & we ask everyday to: Keep Your Hand on Our Shoulders, Guide & Protect Us.
It’s a Privilege & Honor to Serve You, Our Valued Customer.
The Freddi Family
Why Choose Us
Friendly Service
Newest Technology
High Quality

Great Northern Headquarters
May 31, 2022 at Great Northern Headquarters in Sutherlin, OR is the day this Vision, Dream & Goal was set into motion. I was joined by Clint Barnes who is a lifelong friend, the man who at 12 years old gave me my first job at Barnes Ranch & later at Torque A Matic & Barnes Tractor. Clint for many years directed & headed up & was a successful business owner & entrepreneur. I credit him & my Father John Freddi of Freddi Ranch for giving me the drive, entrepreneurship, work ethic & core values I have for getting the job done, unparalleled customer service & quality products. It was on this day the vision, dream, goal & Tribute to AJ & Angie began.
I was awarded a dealership for Great Northern Trailers & the Journey started one step at a time. Jack Throwbridge listened to my story, hope, dream, vision & goal & believed in me. He is the man who single handedly put AJF Trailer Wheels in motion. Jack, Nick, Amanda & the entire team at GN have walked with me every step of the way on this journey.
Clint is actively involved in the business & continues to advise, coach, support as well as fabrication.
Pictured Left to Right: Nick Throwbridge, manager & Jack Throwbridge, owner.
Front: Amanda GN Office Manager, Clint Barnes & Chris Freddi.

Contact Us
USE THE FORM OR CALL (208) 651-9958
23111 W Highway 53, Post Fall, ID 83854
(208) 957-7600
Idaho Dealer #208